
“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distraction, the gates of the soul open”


Highly qualified registered acupuncturists

Dedicated to provide the best care

Adriana Cayuela
Segolene Prats
Kate Chen

GC wellness Collective are passionate individuals that BELIEVE that health and wellness should be accessible to all. WE join forces to provide the community with high quality acupuncture and chinese medicine in a community setting.
All our PRACTITIONERS highly trained and REGISTERED with AHPRA

We believe that together we can help create an healthier community.

Adriana Cayuela

Dr. Adriana started her journey with healing therapies in 1998 learning Tuina and Shiatsu and later graduating as Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture). Her passion and trust in alternative & complimentary medicine grew over the years, experiencing the healing power in her own family. Dri, as she is known by friends, is also a Reiki Master, massage therapist, and has special interest in cosmetic acupuncture. “I am passionate about Chinese Medicine, and I love to combine acupuncture, massage, cupping, guasha and more ensuring the best individual tailored care. Personally, acupuncture helped me in treating migraines, anxiety, PMS and physical pain, which I developed a special interest in.

Kate Chen

Kate Chen passion for acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine started very early on, growing up in China it has been part of her life as far has she can remember. Seeing first hand the benefits on her family and friends she decided to dive into this ancient art and become a Chinese Medicine practitioner.Kate looks at the body like a music partition, where each notes needs to be in balance to create the perfect melody. Her thorough analysis of the body, her caring and intuitive approach will help guide and support you along your health journey, wherever you are at.Having going through IVF herself, Kate has a special interest and a deep understanding of fertility and the challenges that it represents both on a physical and emotional levels. Kate worked in busy hospitals in China where gained experience with many conditions, she has a special interest in all kinds of pain (both acute & chronic), emotional issues and women’s health (menstrual and menopausal issues, fertility).

Segolene Prats

My passion for this medicine began eight years ago when I was suffering from chronic pain for a very long time. After experiencing acupuncture my sleepless nights transformed into peaceful rest.
Being a Mum of three, I understand how difficult and sometimes complicated looking after your own health can be and I am dedicated to help others to find energy and balance to a busy life. What Eastern Medicine offers is a philosophy that empowers us, it teaches us to listen to emotions, to pay attention to the changes in our body and cultivates our mind.
The body has this amazing ability to heal, always seeking for the perfect balance; acupuncture acts as a guide to help bring the body back to homeostasis. I am passionate about assisting others find the keys to unlock their fullest potential through reconnection with their body and mind.